Mackay Irrigation Project

The Mackay Irrigation Project assists growers in the region to optimise water use and energy consumption to increase productivity and profits, while reducing nutrient and chemical losses. This has involved one-on-one extension support for growers to create the most cost-effective irrigation strategies through on-farm energy and system performance audits, and real-time data monitoring of soil health.

This helps growers to optimise irrigation to meet crop demand and water availability. Improved irrigation strategies increase farm productivity and have a positive impact on water quality by boosting Nitrogen Use Efficiency (NUE) and reducing dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) export from the soil.

Mackay Irrigation Project Factsheet 1: History

Mackay Irrigation Project Factsheet 2: Crop Water Use and Yield

Mackay Irrigation Project Factsheet 3: Promoting Deeper Rooting and Water Extraction Rates

Mackay Irrigation Project Factsheet 4: Plant Growth Versus Soil Moisture, Radiation and Evapotranspiration

Mackay Irrigation Project Factsheet 5: Tracking Solutes in the Soil Profile to Better Understand Improved Nutrient Management via Irrigation Strategies.

Mackay Irrigation Project Case Study 1: Simpson Farm

Mackay Irrigation Project Case Study 1: Ross Williams

Find out more about this project

Dylan Wedel, SRA District Manager
0490 029 387


Mackay Cane Growers

Mackay Cane Growers provides services, representation and support to the majority of cane growers across the Mackay and Plane Creek regions on a wide range of issues including advocacy, marketing, water and electricity, workplace health & safety, transport, environment and best management practice, training and business management.

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Tools and resources

Mackay Irrigation Project Factsheet

Background, information and results from the Mackay Irrigation Project.